Postdoctoral Associates:
margaret corley
Dr. Corley joined our lab as a Postdoctoral Associate in June of 2017. She is broadly interested in reproductive ecology of humans and non-human primates. In particular, she is working on how hormones, health, and behavior influence one another, and how the interactions among these are informed by social and other environmental factors. Maggie is currently working on the endocrine correlates of life history transitions in Qom girls and women. Website
Dr. Olmedo got her PhD in Health Sciences from the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina. She joined the CARE Program first as research assistant back in 2011 and now she is doing her postdoctoral studies with us as Field Coordinator. She is interested in food insecurity, medical pluralism, and social justice.
Graduate Students:
Carlye is a graduate student in Biological Anthropology at Yale. She is interested in the ways that social, cultural and environmental changes affect human reproductive biology. Specifically, she is looking at the effect that endocrine disruptors have on infant development via breastmilk. Carlye is woriking with Qom communities in the province of Formosa, Argentina.
Kat is a doctoral student in Biologial Anthropology at Yale. She is interested in how social and ecological environment shapes the evolution of human physiology. Her research pursuits include reproductive ecology, endocrinology and evolutionary medicine.